Sunday 2 August 2015

I’m learning to survive in the private sector – Liyel Imoke

Senator  Liyel Imoke, the immediate past governor of Cross River State says he is learning how to survive  in the private sector which he once was a major player before his foray into politics saying the sector has evolved so much during his absence.

Imoke who was speaking in Calabar at the weekend during  the 2015 lecture series of his  Bridge Leadership Foundation for young enterprenuers said everyone who occupies public office is believed to be a robber who has stolen or looted public funds and as such  everybody wants to be appointed into office political office rather than be in the private  sector.

He said  most of the people who have come to him to ask for assistance to get employment since he came back a few days ago from the United States are those seeking political appointment not to start small scale businesses where real jobs exists.

“When you occupy public office everybody believes you are a robber or you have looted and because of such perception, holding public office becomes a challenge yet since we are in a morally bankrupt society, people still disturb me even now to help them get political appointment

“There is nothing special about me because if you look at my school records,  I doubt if you would  find A’s there but I was determined on what I wanted to do. I was just an ordinary bloke like any average person but  I learn from everyone even from  young people since am now out of public sector into private sector I have to learn the ropes again because the sector has evolved so much while I was away to the public sector”.

According to the former governor,.  politics is the only profession which is an all- comers game where those with no educational qualification  can claim to be practitioners which accounts for the craze for public office.

‘Politics in Nigeria is an all- comers game where those with zero credentials can practice because there is no minimum entry point and no maximum exit level  except for elective or political office holders that is why everybody including the young man paddling canoe in my village can boldly tell me the canoe he is paddling is part time while his real career is politics”

He said he would devote more time to his foundation which was founded during his 5oth birthday because it was easy for the foundation to get sponsors while he was a governor but now that he is out of office,  finding sponsorship for the activities of the foundation has not been easy.

Senator Imoke  called on young enterprenuers to be committed and passionate in whatever they are doing as many opportunities exist for success but few people would see and take such opportunities because many people prefer the easy way out which is securing employment.  “Opportunities are real but few people will take such opportunities and the greatest opportunity for employment is in the small and medium scale enterprenuership that is why I want to dedicate more of my time  to show that in Cross River State we can become champions”

The lecture featured presentation from young enterprenuers including  Affiong Williams , the Chief Excutive Officer of Reel Fruits, Gbenga Sessan, the Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative among others.

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